Since May of 2019, I've had the joy of working alongside Dr. Jay Gallagher and his research team to explore the high-density dust regions of compact galactic centers and their outflow streams (e.g. AGNs, polar rings, bars, etc.). After careful photometric measurements were made, we reduced CCD long-slit spectral data from the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) using astronomical software packages found in IRAF, Python, Mathematica, SAOImageDS9, and more.
Throughout this time, IRAF software and I have especially become best friends. Together, we have reduced SALT data for over 15 obscured galaxy systems, plus fit and analyzed their spectra. My most exhausted resources for completing these reductions can be found here and here. Enjoy!
All this work was published in August 2024. Read it here!
Summer REU Program
In the summer of 2020, I participated in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Astrophysics REU program under the mentorship of Dr. Jay Gallagher. Virtually, we continued the work we began in the spring of the year prior. During the 10-week program, I focused on engineering statistical interstellar dust extinction models for Zwicky 049.057. This was when I began learning Linux and the art of shell commands.